Managing products or services for any ecommerce site is important. Unseen Blog provides settings for WooCommerce for products, product images and many more. Lets learn how.
How to edit WooCommerce #
1. Go to Dashboard>>Appearance>>Customise

2. Go to WooCommerce

Mini Cart Settings:
When you enable Show Mini Cart you can choose Display Style, Wrapper Width, Cart Icon Color, Counter Text Color, Counter Background Color.

Title Typography: You can set Font Family, Font Style, Font Weight, Text Transform Type, Text Color Line Height, Letter Spacing, Padding Bottom.

Product Title Typography: Here you can set products title Font Family, Font Style, Font Weight, Text Transform type, Text Color, Line Height, Letter Spacing, Padding Bottom, Hover Color.

Item Divider: You can choose Divider Color, Divider Size.

Item Delete Icon: This option allows you to include delete icon for your products. You can set Icon Text Color, Icon Background Color, Icon Text Hover Color, Icon Background Hover Color.

Button Style: You can set Width of the button here.

Checkout Button: This option allows to include checkout button on your site. You can set Button Label, Button Text Color, Button Background, Button Hover Text, Button Hover Background.