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Favicon or Site Icon is the small image that is seen next to your website title in the browser. Your users can identify your website and builds an instant recognition for your brand. . Although adding a favicon is super easy, many people miss this essential element during Website development.

You can use the logo of your brand as your favicon. The recommended site icon image should at least be 512 pixels in both width and height. The site icon image should be a square, you can use a larger rectangular image and WordPress will allow you to crop the image when you add it.

How to upload favicon #

  1. Go to Dashboard>> Appearance>>Customizer
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-2-1024x451.png

2. Go to General>>Site Identity

3. Scroll down to site icon (Favicon or favorite icon is commonly known as site icon). You can now upload the image from your desktop or media library.

Updated on December 14, 2020