Blog archives are the core and history of your blog. While your recently added blog posts appear right on your blog’s home page, other older posts are difficult to find. Thanks to the archiving feature of UltraPress, your older posts can now be found online at any time in the blog archive post. You can now modify the look and content in a blog archive post in order to grab maximum attention. let’s learn how it is done.
How to edit blog archive post #
- Go to Dashboard>> Appearance>>Customizer

2. Go to Blog setting>> Archive setting.

3. On the archive setting, you get following modification
Archive layout: Three different kinds of layout, with our without content is available for UltraPress.

Excerpt Length: You can write a short conclusive excerpt for your each blog which is displayed in the Blog Archive. Usually, it is about 55 words but you can increase or decrease the number.
Read More Text: Below excerpt, a Read more text is placed to guide your viewer towards single post. You can read more text to know more, Read all or whatever you like.
Button Type: Lastly, on the button type you can either add a button or simply add the link on text. It’s upon you.

Content Order: Here, you can define the order of content you want to be displayed in the achieve post. For eg: You can drag the feature image above title or vice versa with your mouse.